Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Analysis

UNCTAD is a permanent UN body established in 1964 to primarily deal with issues relating to trade, investment and overall development of members. UNCTAD provides needed assistance to developing countries as a way of helping them fully integrate and participate in the global economy as well as read the benefits global trade has to offer. UNCTAD operate on the global, regional as well as national levels providing technical assistance such as analysis. One of such technical assistance is the provision of an online tool for analyzing non-tariff measures that serve as obstacles to trade.

Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) are non-tariff related barriers which have varying impact on overall trade. In deed they can, in the long run, increase trade cost.

UNCTAD has develop a tool for analyzing NTM and by extension TBTs. The tool is designed to run queries and conduct analysis for informed decision making. The tool presents varying indicators and thus useful for all TBT related queries.

Access the tool.

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