The World Bank

The World Bank is a leading development partner providing various financial and technical support towards the implementation of ECOWAS Community programs and activities. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the International Development Association make up the World Bank.

The WB was founded in 1944 as an International Financial Institution. One of its core objectives is to grant loans and grants to poor and or least developed economies to assist them in implementing developmental and capital projects in order to “end extreme poverty within a generation and boost shared prosperity.”

Together with other international organizations, institutions and donors, the WB coordinates aid related policies in beneficiary countries. The coordination is primarily done on the regional and global level relying on multilateral development banks such as the African Development Bank; multilateral financial institutions such as European Commission and the International Fund for Agricultural Development; sub-regional banks which include the East Africa Development Bank and the Central American Bank for Economic Integration; and aid coordination groups such as Austrian Development Agency and Japan bank for International Cooperation.

Visit The Wold Bank website for more information

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