Regional Aid For Trade Strategy

The strategy is purposed to fully express and well communicate the region’s Aid for Trade priorities and reflects the Regional Strategic Plan of the ECOWAS Commission. As a reference document, the regional strategy offers a regional approach to key national AfT priorities and complements them

The Aid ECOWAS Regional Aid for Trade Strategy follows a gradual, phased and flexible approach and was developed in 2015 and adopted in 2016. The overall objective of the Strategy document is to provide a framework to guide both the regional and national efforts in a harmonized and well-coordinated manner.

The strategy affords ECOWAS the opportunity to strengthen efforts at deepening the regional integration agenda through the dismantling of supply-side constraints on trade thereby giving more meaning and relevance to the flagship programs such as the ECOWAS Trade Liberalization Scheme (ETLS) and the Free Movement of goods, persons and capital.

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